So, you just got a new puppy!? Congratulations! What an exciting time! As joyful as this moment is, it can also be quite overwhelming– especially if it’s your first pup! There are so many factors to consider; from training and tricks, to scheduling and grooming! Luckily, when it comes to the furry stuff, we’ve got you covered.

If you’re nervous about your dog’s first grooming experience, don’t be! Introducing grooming in a positive way allows your pup to build a pawsitive association with all those “scary” clippers, brushes, combs, nail trimmers and the handling that’s associated with the grooming process.

While some owners choose to wait at least six months for their puppy’s first groom, the sooner you introduce your pup to grooming, the better. In fact, puppies learn best aged between 8-16 weeks! Here are some puppy grooming tips to help you during this time:

Handle Your Pup

From a young age, it’s important to teach your pup that hands are good! Some older dogs who have been abused may wince or squirm at the sight of a hand coming at them– no matter how friendly that hand is! So, if you have your dog from the time he or she is a pup then you have an incredible opportunity to teach them; simply start by holding out your hand in front of their nose.

The key is to let your pup come to you! Once they start sniffing or even licking your hand, start petting them under the chin, then around the collar, shoulders and back. If they get nervous, slow down the process – puppy steps are key!

Contain Your Pup

Once your pup is good with petting, get them used to being held. Many puppies are squirmy and don’t like to be held! Start by sitting next to your pup and very loosely putting your hands on either side of their ribs. The idea is to have them relax while being held, rather than fight back and scamper away!

Restrain Your Pup

This step may seem similar to containing your pup, but there’s a key difference. If your pup is struggling as you restrain them, relax the pressure a little but do not let go! If you let go every time your pup struggles, he or she will learn that trying to wriggle away will force the handler to let go.

Move Your Pup

Now that you’ve got a hold of your pup, start to gently move their limbs. Gently pick up each leg, moving it slightly forward and backwards. Move the head, tail and ears as if you are checking each part for a veterinary examination. Cup the muzzle gently with the first three fingers of your hand and don’t forget the feet! Move each nail and examine between the pads and toes.

It’s important to reward your pup regularly as you move through each of these steps so that they associate everything with good times and treats! This process will take weeks, so be patient. Once your pup seems totally comfortable with each step, you can hold them and introduce grooming tools at the same time. Start brushing their fur, perhaps file their nails, etc. This will help immensely when it’s time to bring them in for their first professional grooming appointment!

We’d love to be your go-to grooming salon for your furry friend! Stop by one of our three locations today.